Pat Swell

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Since Pat was appointed Chief Executive of Access Arts in 2012 she has enjoyed leading Queensland’s peak body for arts and disability, which has a 38-year history empowering people who experience disability or disadvantage to take part and excel in the arts.  Access Arts’ visual artists now have an annual exhibition at KPMG’s prestigious offices in the CBD, our performing artists showcase in key venues, and each year one Queensland arts practitioner with disability wins the coveted $10,000 Access Arts Achievement Award which has proved an effective springboard in each of their careers. We run strong programs for First Australians, and access and inclusion initiatives.

Coming from the UK Pat worked firstly in literature, then theatre and regional development before joining Arts Council England for 14 years in policy, planning and business development, and then managed grants of up to £5 million for capital arts development. She was then appointed Strategic Director for Milton Keynes Theatre and Gallery Company, raising significant sums of new money for the arts which started the annual Milton Keynes International Festival ‘IF’.

With a Master of Business Administration, Pat serves on State Library of Queensland’s Disability Action Plan Task Group, Arts Health Network Queensland Strategy Group, and until recently was a member of Griffith University Business School’s Alumni Advisory Group.

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